Thursday, May 6, 2010

new computer monitor!

I finally heard from BestBuy (actually I had to call them) and they "junked" the old monitor and gave us a new one!! yipee!

They said the old monitor could be fixed with like a $300 part, so they instead said they would give me a new comparable. The old monitor was under a service plan that we thankfully renewed a year or so ago. So now we have a glossy new monitor. It's a little better than the old one and I love it. It took an hour to pick it up this morning, but I'm happy with their service and the outcome... for once.

This last weekend, I took wedding pictures of Dan's cousin Andrea's wedding. Both the wedding and my pictures went great. Here is one of Jackson after I was done taking pictures of the wedding party.

Now at the reception. Jackson with a red juice/punch mustache.

I thought this one was cute with his eyes peeking over the cup. He's been doing a really good job lately of drinking from a cup on his own. Still occasionally spilling, but getting better at tipping the cup and setting it down.

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