Monday, April 27, 2009

I have a one month old

It's pretty crazy that I have a one month old. I definitely can't believe how fast this first month has gone. It's hard to keep up with house chores because I don't want to stop paying attention to Jackson. I'm grateful that I don't have to work and that my husband can take time off. It's kind of funny because he has a list of projects to do while on maternity leave and he hasn't gotten many of them done.

Jackson has been a pretty happy and easy baby so far. The other night he had a grumpy evening. We think he had some gas that wasn't coming out, but that was really his first true grumpy period that lasted more than a minute or so (and besides when he cries during diaper changes).

I know it's obvious, but I still can't believe that if you add 11 more of these fast months to this one, Jackson will be one year old.
(Remember you can click on the picture to see it bigger.)

I don't forsee myself doing any scrapbooking too soon. As for crafting, I have hopes of sewing some more diapers soon. But as for pictures, I will probably be using shutterfly to document stuff. Maybe I'll do some of my own digital scrapbooking, but it's not likely that I'll get all my paper scrapbooking supplies out for a little while. I eventually, within the next year, really want to make a fabric picture book like this though.

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