Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 pics from my (new) phone

Last week I got a new phone! It's pretty fancy compared to what I've had. The back slides out and is a keyboard, it's good for texting. Before I've always just had the regular, cheapest to get, cell phones. This still isn't considered a 'smart phone', but I still like it. Anyways, here are some pictures I took from it.

I got my haircut today, probably like 5 or so inches cut off.

Jackson watching cartoons the other morning. I thought he was pretty cute, just hanging out watching tv on the couch like that, turning into a little boy.

I got him a magnadoodle for our last car trip and he loves it. He was playing with it the other day and went over to his high chair (that we don't really ever use) and wanted up in it to write on his magnadoodle. I also thought this was pretty cute and also shows how he's growing up.

been awhile

Feels like it's been a long time since I posted, it really has though. I have some pictures I want to post from last night and a video I've been wanting to get to, so I'll try to post them soon.

But I saw this and just had to share. I like noticing and looking back at weather changes. It's really going into fall and we did have some cold days and then warm again. This next week though between four days it's supposed to have a 30 degree difference, crazy. Not very gradual at all.

I wish I could trap the warm air and hold on to it in the house. I hate having the house cold and I know that's what the heater is for, but I also hate spending money for heat. I definately want to move to Arizona, Florida or even Africa for the winters when we get old.

Friday, September 17, 2010

New play structure

We got a new (to us) play structure! I've been watching Craigslist and found this one. I called the number and the lady lived only a block away! It also has a slide, we just didn't get it put on yet. Our plan is to paint/stain it again and spruce it all up. It'll be great for Jackson. Especially now that we'll cover the dirt with rocks, perfect timing to get rid of the dirt pile for winter.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I love these pancakes. They are from the Pioneer Woman Cookbook. The secret ingredient is sour cream. I never would have thought sour cream could make them so good.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Menu Plan ...Thursday

Real quick, sorry no recipe links this time:

Today/Thursday: Ham & Potato Soup

Friday: Cody Cowgirl Casserole (from Sleep on it cookbook) (I'm actually making it today, so I won't have to spend much time in the kitchen cooking tomorrow).

Saturday: Cheryl's birthday party

Sunday: Beef & Zucchini Casserole (I'll triple this and freeze two)(from Dream Dinner cookbook)

Monday: already frozen Chicken Tetrazini

Tuesday: leftovers

Wedneday: leftovers

Thursday: Parmesan Crusted fish fillets (from Dream Dinners)

Friday: Easy wild rice Quiche (from Sleep on It)

Saturday: Chicken with red potatoes (from Dream Dinners)

If you can't tell I like the new Dream Dinners cookbook I just got from the library.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We went camping this last weekend. Here is a picture of us at the Metolius River head. It was fun. Pretty busy though. It was nice to have other family with us to help chase around Jackson. The morning we were leaving Jackson sounded awful with a raspy voice and sounded congested. He also had a fever the two nights before. So I took him to the doctor and the doctor said he had croup. So we still went camping since the cool air helps croup. Overall, Jackson did great though.